CerefolinNAC® is specially formulated to meet the distinctive nutritional needs of individuals with MCI:



An active form of folate, may affect an important chemical in the brain associated with memory

How You May Benefit From CerefolinNAC®

When you are experiencing memory loss, you may have specific nutritional imbalances that cause your body to need more active folate. Not having enough active folate may affect your cognition.

How Is CerefolinNAC® Different Than OTC Folic Acid?

Unlike over-the-counter (OTC) folic acid, CerefolinNAC® does not need to be broken down (or activated) by the body before it can be used. CerefolinNAC® caplets can provide you with already-activated folate, so your body does not have to go through all the steps needed to benefit from it.

The ingredients in CerefolinNAC® have been clinically tested. CerefolinNAC’s® proprietary formula also contains active B12 and the chemical N-acetylcysteine.