What Are Medical Foods?
A medical food is defined by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as “a food which is formulated to be consumed or administered enterally under the supervision of a physician and which is intended for the specific dietary management of a disease or condition for which distinctive nutritional requirements, based on recognized scientific principles, are established by medical evaluation.”
Medical foods are intended to meet specific nutritional requirements for a disease or condition and must be taken under the supervision of a physician. These foods are specifically formulated in order to meet specific needs for a patient.
How Can CerefolinNAC® Help Me?
Dietary management with CerefolinNAC® may help people with MCI by delivering nutrients that may address cognitive health.
Addressing certain underlying imbalances with CerefolinNAC® may help you retain your ability to learn, remember, understand, and function longer.
How Do I Know If I (or My Loved One) Has MCI?
People with MCI can still take care of themselves and do normal activities.
Symptoms of MCI may include:
- Forgetting to go to events and appointments
- Losing things often
- Having more trouble coming up with words than other people their age
- Getting lost in familiar surroundings
Your doctor can test your thinking, memory, and language to see if you have MCI. You may also need to see a specialist for more tests. Because MCI may be an early sign of Alzheimer’s disease, it’s really important to see your doctor every 6 to 12 months.
Is CerefolinNAC® Safe? What Are the Side Effects?
Yes, CerefolinNAC® is safe to use and safe to be used with cognitive therapies you might also be taking. You should speak with your doctor about starting CerefolinNAC®. In rare cases, CerefolinNAC® may cause nausea, stomachache, and headache.
How Long Can I Take CerefolinNAC®?
You can take CerefolinNAC® as long as necessary. Talk to your healthcare provider before stopping CerefolinNAC®.
How Is CerefolinNAC® Different From Over-the-Counter (OTC) Options?
The ingredients in CerefolinNAC® are different from the ingredients found in most OTC vitamins. CerefolinNAC’s® proprietary formula provides the body with already-active folate that the body needs to address the symptoms of MCI. Most OTC folic acid products need to be broken down in the body before the folate can be used. Many people might have a compromised ability to complete this activation.
Is There a Program to Help Me Save on My Prescription?

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